PreTrial: Client Diversion Tracking Software
Pretrial Diversionary Programs Software
We are proud to be working with San Francisco Pretrial Diversionary Programs to design and implement a solution for their work with law enforcement agencies and courts to offer diversionary programs from incarceration. SF Pretrial was begun under the premise that the goals of community safety and restoration could be achieved by focusing on individual development, education and public service.
AJW Inc. began with its core DCARTM proprietary CMS base code and configured a solution that supports pretrial court protocols and workflow for directing clients to and through diversionary programs helping to limit incarceration and address the clients underlying reasons for being engaged by law enforcement.
Key Product Functions and Services
The pretrial application is designed to support all workflow functions that are core to the process to direct clients to diversionary programs. The system supports functions that begin at booking, follow through the judge’s decision-making, through release to a diversionary program, and even through the program’s services and outcomes. Here are just a few of the key functions supported:
- Workflow from booking to diversion services
- Systematizing and simplifying the process using tech. This includes automating functions and integrating things like digital signatures and email/text alerts.
- Utilizing database driven techniques to simplify search and referral functions
- Support for integrated systems with other pretrial and diversion partners serving the courts, health, and social services.
The pretrial and diversionary program areas are expanding and are in need of raising their sophistication to simplify functions and speed up court and public safety work flows. We are happy to be at the cutting edge of this work and thank the SF Pretrial team for their contribution to innovation and expansion of this work.
As we mention above, the pretrial and diversionary program areas are expanding. As law enforcement faces budget challenges, and public safety remains a hot button issue there needs to be alternatives to this seemingly insoluble problem. As municipalities innovate our base product SF Pretrial calls “OpenJustice” can be customized for your municipalities needs. We build on standard tech with the core technology being Microsoft server products.
At AJW Inc., we build all our tech with an eye to the future and as SaaS-capable solutions that can be configured to local needs. In our experience, one size does not fit all. But we can shorten time to production and provide best practices as we configure the right solution for you.
We offer training in a couple of formats such as video examples of how a client may configure or use a system. If you need either group training or a more personal touch we can provide a low cost person to person training program. In addition, we have additional support services for both configuration and training to help you with going live as soon as possible. Feel free to contact us at [email protected] to get more info.
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